The Picture of Dorian...Today Wiki
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Welcome to Dorian Today

Welcome to Dorian Today! This wiki is a collaborative effort to twist and turn our favourite classic material into modern interpretations. Most of the material comes from what is considered the Victorian literary period. Click the edit button to start revamping and personalizing the excerpts. The goal is to keep the text recognizable as its original title, but to make the language and themes applicable to contemporary times. Humour and cleverness is encouraged, but all inappropriate material will be promptly removed. If you have any texts you'd like to see on this wiki, go to the suggestions page and leave a comment.

Available Texts

Click on your favourite texts and start modifying!

The Picture of Dorian Gray (excerpt) by Oscar Wilde

Phrases and Philosophies For the Use of the Young by Oscar Wilde

Mrs. Dalloway (excerpt) by Virginia Woolf

Pride and Prejudice (excerpt) by Jane Austen

Great Expectations (excerpt) by Charles Dickens

Wuthering Heights (excerpt) by Emily Bronte

Agnes Grey (excerpt) by Anne Bronte

Jane Eyre (excerpt) by Charlotte Bronte

On the Origin of Species (excerpt) by Charles Darwin

The Hound of the Baskervilles (excerpt) by Arthur Conan Doyle

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (excerpt) by Lewis Carroll

Middlemarch (excerpt) by George Eliot

Howards End (excerpt) by E. M. Forster

Vanity Fair (excerpt) by William Makepeace Thackeray

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (excerpt) by James Joyce

Sense and Sensibility (excerpt) by Jane Austen

Emma (excerpt) by Jane Austen

Mansfield Park (excerpt) by Jane Austen

Mayor of Casterbridge (excerpt) by Thomas Hardy

Tess of the D'Urbervilles (excerpt) by Thomas Hardy

A Christmas Carol (excerpt) by Charles Dickens

A Tale of Two Cities (excerpt) by Charles Dickens

The Masque of the Red Death (excerpt) by Edgar Allan Poe

Photo Gallery

Show us your photo-editing skills by adding old photos with a modern twist! Check out our examples and try to top them with your own creations or improve them yourself in the photo gallery.

Or, browse through some of our originals to see how amazing our skills truly are!

Archive of Originial Texts

If you want to refer back to the unchanged material, visit the archives to see the original texts.

Latest Activity

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